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Creation of an illustrated album

General description:





In this project, students will have to create a common illustration album so that it can be later used with their “reading partners” of the 2nd grade. After some key explanations, guidelines and discussions, they will be able to analyze and create and translate their own ideas, feelings and arguments on an imaginary narrative story. Apart from the written part, they will also have to draw and paint a picture of the main character of their story made with watercolors and some techniques used by the famous artist Ben Tour. So the final product will be a general dossier with the texts and images of all the students creativity.


SCHOOL: La Roca del Vallès


GRADE: 6th Grade (Superior Cycle)


TITLE: Creating an illustrated album


DRIVING QUESTION:   How can we create a memorable illustrated album?


NUMBER OF SESSIONS/HOURS: 8 sessions: In total 8 hours and 15 minutes.


SUBJECT AREA: Written Expression & Arts and Crafts




  1. Observation of the evolution and implication

  2. Correction of the different worksheets done throughout the sessions

  3. Rubrics for the written exposition and tale creation.

  4. Brainstorming acitivty

  5. Final result (written text and painting)





Subject-matter curriculum

  • Reading and writing animation

  • How to create an illustrated album

  • How to narrate a story (both through writing and orally)

  • How to paint a watercolor picture using the style and techniques of Ben Tour


Language curriculum

  • Text cohesion

  • Text coherence

  • Text adequacy

  • Orthographic content

  • Oral and written skills



- Collaboration

- Communication

- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

- Initiative & Self-direction

- Creativity & Innovation



- Communicative, linguistic and audiovisual competence

- Social and civic competence

- Learning to learn competence

- Cultural & artistic competence

- Personal initiative and entrepreneurship competence










SESSION 1  Introduction of the project (1h)




  • To get students’ encouragement through the introduction of the topic.

  • To understand the main characteristics of an illustrated album.

  • To randomly invent a text plot in relation with a tale pictures.




1. Introduction of the topic and the final goal. (10 min) →  By asking about the project of the “Reading partner”, the topic will be presented and commented throughout the area of Reading and Writing animation.


2. Analysis of an illustrated album. (25 min) →  The session can be carried out in the school library or in any space they can be comfortable and relaxed, preferably sitting in a circle. The teacher will bring an illustrated album to the class, in this case, the one titled Els Amants Papallona, written Benjamin Lacombe; and will be analyzed as to the images and plot. Afterwards, picture by picture, the teacher will try to invent an example of possible texts that could fit and model a proper length and adequation to the whole tale structure. All these explanations will be supported by many question-answer techniques to interact with students, thinking that the aim is to construct knowledge altogether, not simply stocking the information given by the teacher.


3. Creating a new story for Els Amants Papallona. (20 min) → In the same circle dynamic, the album plot can be changed by the students, inventing it on the progress depending on its images.


4. Closure of the session. (5 min) → Once the albums have been analyzed and the characteristics have been collected, the teacher will repeat that the final product that will be carried out during the following sessions will be the illustrated album created by them, for an authentic purpose, the “reading partners”.





  • Some examples of illustrated albums (among them, Els Amants Papallona and El fantasma de la òpera.

  • Previously prepared story by the teacher to link with the pictures.



  • Whole group: Whole session



  • Previous knowledge: assessment through oral interaction with children throughout the whole session.



It is an activity that allows the participation of everyone. Most of the questions have an open-ended question, which means that almost any intervention can be redirected to the important theory, there is no “wrong” answer.









SESSION 2: Brainstorming (1h)




  • To build a first idea of their story, with its main items.

  • To follow the steps discussed to create their album




1. Introduction of the session (5 min) → Remembering what was the project about, its purpose and main aim.


2. Recalling and expanding knowledge from the first session. (20 min) → They will be given a brief visual scheme of the different characteristics of an illustrated album, and all the class will comment it with the help of some more visual support prepared by the teacher.


3. Brainstorming (30 min) → Teacher and students will build a meaning for “brainstorming”.


Once they know what it is about, they will be given a blank sheet with a frame in the form of a cloud, which will be for them to sketch and schematize their own story through drawings and diagrams. It is useful  to play some piano music as a background sound.


Secondly, after been thinking creatively, they will receive a second paper with some key questions about their story (the title, the topic, the triggering event, the moral…), which also will have to be answered.


4. Closure of the session (5 min) → The session is concluded and the teacher tips that the second sheet needs to be finished by  the following session (in the following week).




  • Visual conceptual map with the characteristics and steps to create an illustrated album

  • Brainstorming paper (cloud)

  • Brainstorming paper with the question.




  • Individual work: Creativity activity to fill the main items of their brainstorming paper.

  • Whole class: Sharing of the characteristics and steps of an illustrated album.




  • Brainstorming activity (2 papers)




It is also a task that does not depend on their abilities or difficulties, but on their imagination, and imagination is beyond limits. Everyone will create their own invented story. Some will need more help and guidance, some will ask more questions than others, but all of them will have the freedom in their plots creation. And all of them have the 3 papers that will serve them as a model to start producing.







SESSION 3: Narrative structures and first draft creation (1h)



  • To take into account the narration structure for their story creation.

  • To be able to distinguish the structure applied to a real text example.

  • To contribute in each other’s tales through a cooperative meeting.




1. Introduction of the session (15 min) → Explanation of what are going to do during the session after having completed as homework the second brainstorming sheet. All the class will put in common the most important parts of a narration, and what needs to happen in each part (introduction, plot and end). They will be given a guide for this key structure for their story as well as an example of a whole-page text. By turns, the students will read the text aloud and then try to split it in the different parts previously explained.


2. Group meeting (15 min) → With the help and guidance of their brainstorming papers, they will meet their base groups and put in common their ideas for the tale creation. They will give ideas, opinions and feedback about each other’s schemes. Every person can write in a scratch paper the comments given by his or her peers and change or modify what they need they have to.


3. Creation of the first draft of the written stories (25 min) → The teacher will adapt a “creation environment” in the classroom, which means a proper distribution of the tables, the correct background music, etc. Students will individually start to produce the story based on the initial sharing of the structure of a narration and their own “brainstormings”. There will be a table in the middle of the classroom with some dictionaries to search for words, and the teacher will keep answering to students’ questions and needs.


4. Closure of the session (5 min) → The teacher will tell the students to distribute the class as it is normally organized, and will encourage them to keep thinking about their stories and feel free to continue them anytime.





  • Paper with the narration structure guide.

  • Paper with the example of a real text.

  • Scratch blank papers

  • Dictionaries

  • Background inspiring music




  • Whole class: Building knowledge together regarding the structure of a narration and doing the structure exercise altogether.

  • Group work: Sharing ideas, opinions and feedback about each other.

  • Individual work: Creation of the first draft of the story




  • Feedback papers (scratch)

  • Observation and correction of the first drafts.




Everyone has all the different guides that will help them construct an appropriate text regarding the structure and internal characteristics. Those models created by the teacher are understandable and show clear explanations and instructions. Moreover, the students will have the teacher within reach all the time, to ask for help and to answer questions.







SESSIONS 4 and 5: Story creation → Final product (1h - 45min)




  • To take into account the narration structure for their story creation.

  • To make sure they text is understandable and correct as to orthography.

  • To ensure the text is adequate to the age of the readers (2nd grade).




Comment: Sessions 4 and 5 are written in a single grid, as they follow more or less the same structure. Session 4 is carried out in an entire hour, and session 5 during 45 minutes.


1. Introduction of the session (5 min) → The teacher recalls what they have been doing and tells the students at which stage they should be in their tale creation. (Although the teacher has to respect the different rhythms and paces of their students, it is important to make sure that somehow pupils are making progress).


2. Individual creation of the tale (30 min / 45 min) → Development and finishing of the story text following the right structure and steps. They need to end up the draft and show it to the teacher before rewriting it in the computer (Word form).


3. Closure of the session (10 min) → Tidying up the material used and encouraging them giving positive feedback.





  • Laptops to rewrite their text drafts.




  • Whole group: Introduction and explanation of what is going to be done on the session

  • Individual work: Individual creation of the tale




  • Observation of their individual development, drafts and final product. Questions asked.




Everyone has all the different guides that will help them construct an appropriate text regarding the structure and internal characteristics. Those models created by the teacher are understandable and show clear explanations and instructions. Moreover, the students will have the teacher within reach all the time, to ask for help and to answer questions.









SESSION 6: Who is Ben Tour and why do we need to know him? (1h)




  • To learn about the techniques and characteristics of Ben Tour to apply them later on their paintings.

  • To draw a realistic eye.

  • To start creating their character first draft drawing.




1. Introduction of the session (5 min) → The teacher builds what all have been doing until this 6th session, and explains what is going to be done next.


2. Ben Tour presentation (15 min) → The teacher presents the artist Ben Tour, its characteristics, style and techniques through a PowerPoint or Prezi. Some examples of their paintings are commented as a group class, and then the teacher explains that they are going to draw the main character of their stories with these support of techniques.


3. Eye drawing (20 min) → As one of the main traits of Ben Tour painting is realism in facial expressions, they will be shown a brief video of how to draw an eye. Each of them will pick a random picture of an eye from a small bag and then will have to try to draw it in pencil in a piece of white cardboard. Once this is done, they will paste both images on a long colored cardboard so that they can compare them.


4. First draft of the character drawing (15 min) → In a small scratch paper, they will start to design following Ben Tour style their own character and its facial expression and posture.


5. Closure of the session (5 min) → The teacher will collect the eye drawings and encourage students to think about how are they going to link their drawing idea with Tour style.





  • Ben Tour Prezi or PowerPoint (depending on the resources and internet connection of the school)

  • Real eye pictures

  • Small pieces of white cardboard

  • Long colored cardboards (10cm x 30cm approx)

  • Blank scratch paper and pencils to start their design




  • Whole group: Ben Tour learning and comments

  • Individual work: Eye drawing and character creation.




  • Eye drawing

  • First draft of the character




Drawing and painting is an activity in which everyone is free to create without limits. The only rule they need to follow is to use Ben Tour style and make a realistic drawing. The teacher can provide some tools as the steps of drawing the different parts of the face (considered the most difficult ones)






SESSION 7: Let’s transform ideas into paintings! (1.30h) (Arts & Craft area)




  • To apply correctly the characteristics and style of Ben Tour on their paintings.

  • To use the material given appropriately.

  • To finish creating their character first draft drawing and the final product.




1. Introduction of the session (5 min) → The teacher asks in which stage of the drawing are they, explains what is going to be done, and prepares and gives the materials needed.


2. Finish the drawing draft (20 min) → Some minutes will be devoted to finish the sketch of their main characters in the scratch paper, making the right modifications before starting the final work.


3. Producing the final version done with watercolors (55 min) → The tables will be distributed in groups of 4 or 5 people. In each table there will be a paint palette with a small portion of every color, a glass of water and some brushes. Then, in another table, there will be some droppers with paintings inside as well. What they will need to do is first do some marks with the pencil to calculate the proportions and the positioning of the different parts. Then, with a black pilot pen, they will have to end up the drawing. Afterwards, they will start painting with the brushes and watercolors, and the last step will be the dropping.


4. Closure of the session (10 min) → Students will clean the space where they have been working and the final products will be let dry in a specific place of the classroom.





  • Watercolors

  • Painting palette

  • Dropper

  • Brushes

  • Grass cans

  • Din A3 drawing paper




  • Whole group: Recall about Ben Tour Style before drawing.

  • Group work: Tables will be distributed in small groups, where each member will be in charge of bringing material.

  • Individual work: Developing the paintings




  • Draft or sketch

  • Final product (painting)




Drawing and painting is an activity in which everyone is free to create without limits. The only rule they need to follow is to use Ben Tour style and make a realistic drawing. The teacher can provide some tools as the steps of drawing the different parts of the face (considered the most difficult ones)








SESSION 8: Storytelling (1h)




  • To learn the characteristics of a good oral storytelling

  • To apply the tips for a great oral explanation of a tale.




1. Introduction of the session (10 min) → The teacher explains what is going to be done in the session. Then, along with students, some tips will be mentioned as to how to do a successful storytelling (oral skills, gestures, voice tone, vocalization, etc.)


2. Oral storytelling practice (15 min) → They will practice it in pairs.


3. Reading partners’ storytelling (25 min) → WIth their reading partners of 2nd grade, they will explain their own story following the guidelines and practices done.


4. Closing of the session and project (10 min) → Once all the tasks are finished (texts and paintings), and once the teacher has prepared two dossiers with the collection of all tales, a copy will be delivered to the reading partners’ class and another will be kept in 6th grade class.





  • Paper with the tips to a good oral storytelling.

  • Two printed common illustrated albums




  • Pairs: Practicing the oral explanation

  • Whole Class: Puting in common the general tips for a good storytelling

  • Individual work: Oral storytelling to their reading partner




  • Observation

  • Peer evaluation on observation (in pairs)




They have the possibility to be creative and not use the text to explain their story (do a brief roleplay, a song, etc.), or they can have the text in front of them taking into account they need to continuously look at the “listener”.













































General description:




In this project students will have to become experts of a part of UK and try to convince me to move to their part next year. By doing so, they will have a guided learning to reach all the learning objectives. By the development of several activities, they will gain culture and knowledge on the different areas of GB and its general traits and costumes. Their final output will be creating a Prezi or poster with Canva to share what they have learned with me and their peers.



La Roca del Vallès



6th Grade (Superior Cycle)



Learning about the UK



Andrea is moving. Where shall she go?



6 sessions: 1 hour per each







  1. To create a visual Prezi/Canva of the UK and be able to explain it "selling" their assigned area.

  2. To use comparatives appropriately

  3. To use superlatives appropriately

  4. To help me to choose a place to go to live next year




  1. Observation of the evolution and implication

  2. Correction of the different worksheets done throughout the sessions

  3. Rubrics for the oral and written exposition

  4. Peer assessment (oral expositions)

  5. Quizzizz





Subject-matter curriculum


  • General knowledge of the UK (situation, flag, inhabitants, etc)

  • Cultural traditions of the UK

  • Monuments of the UK


Foreign language curriculum


  • Grammar content:

    • Comparatives

    • Superlatives

    • Adjectives


  • Oral and written skills.

  • Reading comprehension




- Collaboration

- Information, media and technology

- Communication

- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

- Creativity & Innovation

- Social & Cross-cultural




- Communicative, linguistic and audiovisual competence

- Digital competence

- Social and civic competence

- Learning to learn competence

- Cultural & artistic competence

- Personal initiative and entrepreneurship competence









SESSION 1: Introduction of the project (1h)




  • To get students’ encouragement through the introduction of the topic

  • To find out the main items of the gymkhana grid

  • To form a general idea of the UK situation and main characteristics




1. Introduction of the topic and the final goal. (20 min). Presentation of a brief video that I will have recorded translating into the screen my thoughts about moving next year to another country and posing some questions to encourage them to help me find a new place to live. They will be given a blank sheet with only two simple questions:

  1. What do you know about the UK?

  2. What would you like to learn about the uk?


2. Doing an interactive gymkana (30 min) throughout the school by groups to research information about general aspects of UK and its four countries. While doing it, fill a table with the main aspects of the UK and the four countries that form it: Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


3. Closing of the session (10 min) by doing a short reflection and explanation about some curiosities of the UK and what is going to be the next session about.





  • Sheet with two questions to test their previous knowledge

  • Video presenting the topic and driving question

  • Materials needed for the gymkhana

  • Grid with main items of the UK (which will be filled during the gymkhana)




  • Whole group: Introduction and closing of the session

  • Group work: Grid

  • Individual work: Activity to test students’ previous knowledge




  • Previous knowledge: assessment through oral interaction with children at the beginning of the session and the two questions posed which they will have to answer.

  • Grid completed throughout the gymkhana




Almost all of the activities are done in their base groups, already created by their tutor, so equilibrated in abilities, competencies, weaknesses and strengths of students. This allows them to support each other and to move forward as a team.


The chart is thought to serve each student to understand what they exactly have to look for and write.











SESSION 2: Roles and Research (1h)




  • To distribute the roles to students in a way that at the end of session they have a clear idea of their importance in the group and their function.

  • To fill a chart to get to know better their UK’s part through internet researching.




1. Division of the class on "expert groups" (15 min) (six groups), where each of the first 5 groups will be in charge of one of the four countries that  form the UK and the other ones will do general traits of the UK and the its capital, London. In each group, every student will have a role, so that although every single task needs to  be carried out cooperatively, each member will be in charge of one aspect of the project.

2. They will shortly create an experts' pin (15 min) to hang on their t-shirts, to increase their motivation and sense of belonging in the group.

3. Each group will have to fill a chart individually (30 min) with the general ideas of their part through searching in different resources. (Such as name, situation, population, flag, etc.) in which superlatives and comparatives will be introduced.





  • Laptops to search the information (through a Symbaloo)

  • Grid to complete the different areas’ characteristics of the UK

  • Materials needed to do the “experts pins




  • Group work: Grid and pin’s creation

  • Individual work: Internet research to fill the main items of their are of the UK

  • Whole class: Brief explanation of superlatives and comparatives.




  • Individual charts of initial information




The roles can be distributed in a way that those in the group with more difficulties could have an essential role inside the group that makes them feel special, but that does not require a high input of individual abilities (such as “secretary”). On the other hand, there could also be roles established for those with higher capacities, such as the spokeperson, the corrector, etc.


Then, although the research and the grid are developed individually, the following day a brainstorming will be carried out to share and put in common the information found so that all of them can complete it correctly.













SESSION 3: Brainstorming (1h)




  • To end filling the chart of the previous day

  • To develop critical thinking by making a brainstorming session

  • To start thinking about the final product.




1. To put in common by base groups the information found the previous day individually. (15 min)


2. Brainstorming (25 min) to highlight the most important aspects of their area of the UK and to think about how are they going to present them so that it sounds really convincing to me.


3. With the help of a guide and an example, they will have to start creating their oral intervention on the exposition. For this, they will be given a rubrics which includes the parts of the final product that need to be done, so that they can follow its steps until to keep on working in it. (20 min)





  • White big cardboard with the shape of a cloud to write their ideas

  • They can use a Word for starting shaping their interventions, so they can need laptops.




  • Group work: Sharing information and brainstorming together




  • White cardboard with their ideas and creations

  • Final version of the grids filled with the information

  • Observation of their team and individual development




Brainstorming is an activity opened to any kind of ideas and thinking, so every intervention is allowed. Apart from that, they will be given a language guide to start creating their intervention.














SESSION 4: Myths and Legends (1h)




  • To read and comprehend the different texts given.

  • To answer the questions related to the text.

  • To make advancements on their team fina output.




1. The main activity of this session will be a reading comprehension activity based on the different legends and myths of the diverse UK countries and parts (20 min). They will be able to read the teach once individually and then also by teams.


2. Each group will be given a different text with some questions to answer cooperatively (20 min).


3. Thereafter, the lasting time will be devoted to develop their oral interventions and Prezi or Canva (20 min).





  • Laptops to work on their interventions (Downloaded Canva)

  • 6 different legends with the right answers for each (Gelert the Dog, Robin Hood, The Loch Ness Monster, etc)




  • Whole group: Introduction and explanation of what is going to be done on the session

  • Group work: Team reading of the myth and answering the questions to check for its understanding. To keep on building their final outputs.

  • Individual work: Individual reading and comprehension




  • Observation of their team and individual development

  • Answer sheets




All of them will have the change to understand the text by themselves when reading it individually. If they do not achieve it, they will reread it by groups and then answer questions related to the text that will help them to make a mental clear structure of it. Moreover, there will be a key words’ square with the meaning of difficult words.













SESSION 5: Quizzizz




  • To get students’ encouraged in playing a trivial contest of their knowledge

  • To finish their final output




1. Interactive contest done with QUIZZIZZ, trying to imitate a trivial contest of what they have learned (including superlatives and comparatives) (40 min)


2. Finishing Prezi/Canva and practicing the oral presentation. (20 min)





  • Quizzizz prepared with questions

  • A relatively “simple” prize for the winning team

  • Laptops for them to finish their final poster or Prezi




  • Whole group: Quizzizz

  • Group work: Quizzizz as well, as they will play by expert groups. Team work on getting their Prezi / Canva done, and revising the rubrics.




  • Rubric

  • Quizzizz answers




Quizzizz is a great tool for everyone to be able to participate on it. Children with more difficulties could be in charge of selecting the answers the group decides, for instance.












SESSION 6: Closure of the project (1h)




  • To learn about the different parts of the UK

  • To assess each other and get inspired by each others’ final products

  • To convince or “sell” me their area




1. By groups, do the oral sharing (50 min) of what they have learned, talking not only about the most important things in each area, but overall, trying to "sell" their country or their zone by giving recommendations and highlighting its main curiosities. They will do so by presenting their poster or Prezi.


2. Meanwhile their partners expose, students will fill individually a chart for checking their understanding of their partners explanations plus a short headland to assess their peers.


3. Closure of the project (10 min). I will thank them for their hard work and tell them I will need personal time to think about where I want to go, and that I will communicate them later on the course.





  • Prezi or poster done with Canva

  • Projector

  • Rubrics for peer assessment and questions for checking for understanding.

  • Rubric for the teacher to assess the oral sharing




  • Whole group: Oral presentations

  • Group work: Oral presentations

  • Individual work: Peer evaluation and answering questions




  • Individual rubrics of students

  • Rubric completed by the teacher of the oral explanations

  • Prezi or poster




Each group will have really good prepared their personal intervention of the exposition. They will be able to have a small piece of paper with them with an scheme of what they will have to say. although they will not be able to read it, they can take a look to it once in a while.


























Learning about the United Kingdom


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